If you’re considering electric underfloor heating installation, Sydney might not seem like an obvious location, but it is a luxury on chilly winter mornings. Heated floors provide radiant warmth from the ground level, and it alleviates the biting cold quickly. It is also simple to maintain, saves space, and promotes energy efficiency.
Call the professionals at Hilts for more information on our underfloor heating or have a look at our systems available:
The team at Hilts is Sydney’s premier electric underfloor heating specialists. As a local company, we understand the vagaries of the weather, and we will evaluate the situation so that you get an accurate quote upfront.
Our electrical quotes are detailed, informative, and easily verifiable. Once we complete the job, you won’t have nasty price overruns or “unforeseen” extras, and all our work is fully guaranteed. You can expect a fair pricing from our Sydney electricians.
These warming mats are custom-built for your room, and best laid on top of the scree to ensure even and efficient heating. We cannot lay anything over the top of the mat without risk of hot spots so you will need to be sure of where you’re placing the items in the room.
Our experts prepare the scree carefully to ensure that it’s spotless. If not, the mats won’t stick. Connecting the mats with the draw wires, we then create a groove, lay the cables, connect these to the mats, and cover it all with waterproofing.
With this underfloor heating technique, the heating elements are as close to the floor’s surface as possible.
If you have concrete or tiled floors, the loose wire technique is more effective. Once you’ve established a place for each piece of furniture, we will install the loose wire mats without the risk of hazardous hotspots.
We lay the mat and then the scree, using one length of cable to provide ambient heat instead of the draw wires. In this case, it lies within the scree, and the final flooring layer completes the process.
The heating element is between the sub-floor and the surface.
If you have carpeted or wooden floors, foil heaters will serve your purposes better. It’s essential to seal the wood so that it neither buckles nor sweats. Homeowners may also choose to lay insulation first to prevent heat loss through the sub-floor.
The heating pads lie between the carpet and underlay (or just underneath the wood panels). We customise the mats according to the size and layout of your rooms.
Foil heaters are laminated with foil to improve efficiency and reduce the cost of operation. As with the other methods, direct pressure may damage the electrical conduits over time.
The foil heater technique leaves the heaters near the surface and warming your room efficiently.
Hilts is Sydney’s under tile floor heating experts. Our team will work with you on all things electrical to find the best solution for your needs, budget, and lifestyle.
Keep your home warm and cosy—give Hilts a call and receive a free quote.
Bring the luxury feeling of underfloor heating
Bring the luxury feeling of underfloor heating
Bring the luxury feeling of underfloor heating
Bring the luxury feeling of underfloor heating
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